Better Medical Center

Appointments can be taken over the phone. Telephone No is 0112 809 385 Once you contact the centre you will be asked to get yourself registered. Once you get registered your consultations will start and will go through the process. You can make appointments one month ahead. It is advisable to make the appointment early to avoid disappointment. Payments are only made at the time of consultation when you arrive for the appointment. If you are not attending for your appointment please make sure you cancel the appointment at your earliest convenience. Consultation for mothers after delivery and consultation for urgent patients, appointments will be given out of the normal appointments. For this please contact the Inspirationscare hospitals, and explain your situation over the phone.

  • Main Office #1

    189/21, Saama Mawatha, Nawala Road Nugegoda,

    0112 809 385

Monday - Friday

06 PM : 09 PM


06 PM : 09 PM